Thursday, March 16, 2006


In my typical luck with the pump, I had quite the experience Tuesday switching to insulin.

My husband and I got into Logan airport at midnight. We were in Hilton Head visiting my family (had a great time and learned how to cook my dad’s famous shrimp)

Being the over planners we are, we stayed in a hotel in Boston because my pump start was at 9 am downtown, and by the time we got home to my little suburb it would be have been 1:30 and we’d have to heave at 6:30 to avoid all of the traffic going that way. So the perfect stage was set… my husband was even coming with me to the appointment so he could learn all he could.

We get to Joslin about 3 minutes late… not too bad considering the construction that we needed to go through… I missed breakfast, but was running a bit high from not having any Lantus on board, so I had a few PB crackers and planned on testing out the new pump with some breakfast afterward. We checked in and then we waited.. and waited…. And waited… and waited…. At 10, I asked the receptionist if nurse so and so was in, she looked up at me like I was disturbing her from something and paged the nurse…So I waited…Mayhem ensued which kept the waiting room quite entertained, and long story short, hubbie had to take a cab at 11:30 to his office to make an important meeting (which I refused to let him miss because of this).

I was not seen until 12:30. I was mad, really mad. I understand that people get sick, I do….but to leave me waiting there for 3 hours?! And then I had to go looking for someone? And then supervisor so and so said, oh we’ll just have to reschedule you, I'm sorry about this… um, I had no Lantus in my system and was NOT taking small shots throughout the day. I actually said “Hi, I have this thing called diabetes, have ya heard of it??” Eventually a nurse saw me on her lunch break… Grumble, grumble…

But, the good news is that I like it. I really like it.

I’ve done 39 blood sugar checks in 48 hours… and have avoided any major highs or lows… while overnights are not right still, I made it through the work day not moving more than 40 points all day…. game on…

Thanks for all of your support!!


Blogger Lyrehca said...

Wow, I'm sorry you had such a lame pump start (I go to Joslin now, but had a long one-on-one with a pump trainer when I first went on the pump in a different state) and I don't blame you for being annoyed. And I hear you about 39 checks in 48 hours--I did similar tests when I first went on the pump. Good luck with the continued great numbers!

2:01 PM  
Blogger Kassie said...

sigh. I can't believe they made you wait. That's like the longest pump start that has been ever!

Glad it's going well!

3:11 PM  
Blogger Maura said...

That really sucks. I can relate. At times, my doctor has been running so late that I just had to leave and go to work and the secretary sweetly says, "can you come in tomorrow at 3pm?"
It's like, come on... I work most days 9-5, i have some flexibility for appointments thank goodness but it is infuriating when things like this happen.

10:35 AM  

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