One ringgy dingie
I really don’t like the phone. Until recently, I avoided making phone calls (other than for work) at all costs. When planning my wedding, if a vendor did not have email, I would not hire them. Strange, I know. But within the last year, my phone phobia has started to drift away. So clearly, I understand about people who don’t like the phone. But this is getting ridiculous.
Oh, the esteemed Joslin clinic, as the infamous Paul Madden would call it “THE Joslin”, the Diabetes Mecca, and apparently, a haven for those who don’t like the phone. I am trying to be a good patient and “work the system.” I know I have to sit in a room full of people who don’t know the difference between the CHO in peanut butter and a plate of fruit, and would choose the plate of fruit if given the choice because it’s “healthier.” I know that I have to take the baby steps in place because it’s policy and as my husband says "I have to learn to play by the rules." But honestly, if I don’t get a call soon, I will put myself on the pump….
“Hi, my pump will be here Friday, please call me and let me know what the next steps are. Thanks so much”
days pass…
“Hi, my pump is here and I am excited for the next steps, please give me a call so that I can get the needed appointments”
days pass...
“Hi, I read on the website that you offer your pump class every other Tuesday, just wanted to find out when the next one is so I can start this process’
And then finally, I email my doc. He is fabulous. He has seen me on a moment’s notice when I was at Joslin for another appointment, to “save me the trip” and who has bought me Starbucks when I had to wait too long to see him. (This is where the hubie get's the impression that I don't play by the rules) The doctor, in turn, emailed the pump coordinator who called me.
“I did not get any of your voicemails, please call me so we can schedule you for a class”
So I happily call her back, AGH! Voice mail.
So I call the Adult Diabetes Nurse, “I don’t do pumps, try this person…” AGH! Same voice mail.
“Hi, just returning your call, please call me, or email, email works, anything really. The number again is …”
So I sit and wait. Patiently, by my phone.
Welcome to the OC!
I spend my days tracking people down. Call the main number of Joslin and tell them you need the email for the person who oversees the pump training classes, because no one has responded to your calls for weeks. Be firm. Or email your doc (you said you have his email, right?) and tell him you're not getting anywhere with leaving messages. See if he can do anything.
You definitely shouldn't have to wait like this to get on the pump.
Thanks for de-lurking on Lyrehca's blog. I followed your comment back here. As a Joslin patient, a Barton Girl, and a fellow blogger, I find a lot of myself in what you've written so far.
Would you mind if I linked you from my blog??
Keep writing. I'll be back to check out how things are going over here.
Thanks ladies. The part that kills me is that really, I don't want to be on the pump. So should I see this as a sign from above?! ha ha
Kerri- feel free to link me...
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