The dorkiest thing I’ve ever done…
That’s saying a lot for those of you who know me in real life.
I am going to be on TV. Lifetime Television, to be exact. I was recently interviewed about having diabetes and growing up with it and all that jazz. It is part of a program that Walgreens is doing in combination with Joslin. So my doc called me to see if I’d be interviewed. Interviewed, no problem. You can probably tell that I really enjoy talking about diabetes and sharing what I’ve learned about living with it to anyone that will listen. You can interview me all you want…… taking film of me eating an apple and walking down the street in Boston chatting with my doctor – not really sure I was ready for that much cheesy stuff! I feel like it’s a bad reenactment of Anchorman.

If they wanted to show a clip of ‘you can live a normal healthy happy life’ they should have gotten shots of me and my hubby enjoying some raw oysters and a glass of wine or rocking out to a so-so cover band with my girlfriends. I’ll have to let you know when it’s on, so any one that wants to ‘see’ me, you can tune in…
In uber exciting news, I got my A1c back. I have never been lower. Rock. And. Roll. They wanted me under 6.5 and I clocked in at 6.3. I was more surprised than anyone else. The problem is that now I am getting a little obsessive about my control. Sometimes I feel like my body ‘plays along’ and makes it’s easy… you know those moments... ‘hum, I feel high, or maybe I am just thirsty’ … check your sugar and you ring in at a happy 109. ‘Diet coke, please’ I seem to be having less of those lately. A few more of ‘ what in the hell is going on.’ Ah, such is the up and down of diabetes. I see my TV star of a Dr in a few weeks and will have it checked again.
That’s about it… the party for my husband went really well, despite the down pour of rain. And in a few short weeks we are going to CA. Woo Hoo, then you know what time it is…. time for a new answer to the question “when are you going to try and have kids.” Thoughts on that, later…